i can't say how often i'll post or even if it'll be worth the time, but even diamonds come out of coal & roses out of turds (kinda sorta). check back for links, thoughts, and me bitchin' about something.
random thoughts & stuff to waste your time
my favorite "turd" quote is from Bill Hicks... talking about Jay Leno selling doritos:
"once you start shilling for corporate america, once you make a commerical, everything you say becomes suspect. Every word you utter is like a turd falling into my drink."
r.i.p., Bill.
Since Neil took the best one, here are my other two fave turd quotes:
"Yeah, I'll go so deep on yo' ass; you'd be submerged / Like you need to deal wi' water cuz you smell like a turd." --Del tha Funkee Homosapien
"'By God!' cried he, 'now plainly, in a word, / Your dirty rhyming is not worth a turd.'" -- MC Geoffrey Chaucer
Yo hoss!
So glad to be up in your spot...but,
howbout hooking us up with an RSS feed so when you publish yo thoughts it can be blasted to our firefoxes and thunderbirds?
welcome to the internets!
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